

Magnette Chassis # 507

the oldest still excisting Magnette, so far...

Chassis 507 was laid down on 31.10.1953, but like all other early cars returned to the factory, presumably for minor attention to the trim (or rear axle), before being finally despatched in 1954. This car provided  the fifth colour variation in the first seven cars off the line beeing black with maroon interior.
# 507 was
initially outshopped on 13.11.1953 and went  to "Garage EC/Works", where it was given regsitration number JJB 839. It returned to Abingdon and left the factory after a final checkover as late as 30.07.54 !

This car was registerd online with us a few years ago, but I never received any further information. In summer 2004 it was for sale at a London car dealer and some enthusiast watched the car to check numbers and condition of the car.
All said that the numbers were matching but the asking price did not fix with the condition of the car.
A few weeks later I reveived an enquiry asking for some historical information of the car. My question, whether he was the new owner turned out that it was the old owner, whose family  owned the car for a while. He kindly sent me some older pictures of the car:

In 1993 my mother died and it was at that time the ownership of the car passed to me. She had bought the car in October 1964 from an elderly gentlemen who lived in Bristol. From that time it has been in our family. I should point out that at the time of her purchase the car had been repainted maroon and there is one contemporary picture of it available from which you will see my family when we were all a lot younger and I think that this photograph was taken in 1965.

  • JJB839-003
  • JJB839-004
  • JJB839-006

  • JJB839-007
  • JJB839-009
  • JJB839-010

  • JJB839_001
  • JJB839_002